The episode opens with a flashback to the Finding in the Temple, where a frightened Mary says that it is too soon for Jesus’ teaching to begin, to which Jesus responds “If not now, when?” We then jump back to the present where Mary is arriving at a wedding feast early to help her friend Dinah, the mother of the bridegroom. Dinah is very nervous due to the judgmental nature of the bride’s parents. Simon returns home and tells Eden about the miracle of the fish and how Jesus has called him to follow. He is expecting Eden to be upset about him quitting fishing to follow Jesus, however, he instead finds that Eden is overjoyed that the Messiah has seen that Simon is special just as she did when she married him. We are introduced to Thomas and Ramah, who are providing the wine for the wedding and serving the feast. It is immediately apparent that Thomas is an overwrought individual who often second guesses and doubts himself. While all of this is going on, Nicodemus is questioning John the Baptist, who is currently imprisoned by the Romans. He is searching for answers regarding the miracle man who healed Mary, and he believes that John could be that man.
This episode has two parallel events that ultimately prepare us for the same thing, the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.
The first is the conversation that John has with Nicodemus, where John tells him “All your life you’ve been asleep. Make straight the way of the King, he is here, to awaken the Earth! But some will not want to waken, they are in love with the dark.” John knows that Jesus’ public teachings and miracles are about to start, and he is telling Nicodemus to prepare himself for the Messiah. This conversation between John and Nicodemus leads us to the miracle at Cana. Jesus, at the petition of his mother, performs His first public miracle by turning purification water into wine in order to save the dignity and honor of the bridegroom’s parents. Jesus now knows that His ministry has begun, and soon it will attract the attention of many. He is ready to begin healing and spreading the good news of salvation, but He knows that it will also draw the anger and hatred of both Rome and of the teachers of Israel.
Michael’s Insight
When preparing to set off for Cana, we see that Andrew and Simon are on edge. Andrew is worried that he will not be able to follow Jesus the way that Jesus wants him to and that he will get things wrong. Simon tries to comfort him, but it is clear that Simon does not know what he is doing either. Simon reassures Andrew that if they just follow Jesus and observe what He does and listen to His commands, they will eventually discover their role in Jesus’ plans.
I’m sure that many of you have been in the position of Andrew and Simon on many occasions. You have probably felt that you were uncertain whether or not you were living your life the way that God wants you to, that you weren’t praying for the right things, or that you aren’t taking an active enough role in the spreading of the good news. Whenever you feel like this, do as the disciples do, listen and observe. Or as Mary says to the servants at the feast, “Do whatever he tells you.”
Megan’s Insight
My favorite character in this episode is Mary. We are introduced to her first during the “Finding in the Temple” which is the fifth joyful mystery. The episode then jumps to the second luminous mystery, “The Wedding Feast at Cana.” During these events, we truly get to see Mary’s heart. Her immaculate heart is so big and her compassion so great that she sees the needs of others. She comes to their aid and takes their need to her son. When the wine runs out, Mary knows that this is not a minor inconvenience. To run out of wine during the wedding feast would mean shame and disgrace for her friends. She sees their needs and knows immediately to go to Jesus.
I once heard Dr. Edward Sri speak about the Wedding at Cana, specifically the verses John 2:4-5. In these verses, we hear the confusing conversation between Mary and Jesus. “Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.’ His mother said to the servers, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’” To truly understand what is happening in these verses we need to look back at Genesis, original translations of the gospels, and Simeon’s prophecy during the presentation of Jesus in the temple.
First, Jesus addressed His mother as “woman”. This isn’t meant to be disrespectful. Neither is it a historical way to address someone’s mother. When Jesus says woman to His mom, he is referencing Genesis 3:15, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; They will strike at your head, while you strike at their heel.” Jesus is honoring Mary and revealing to us her title as the New Eve, the one to carry the Messiah and crush the head of the serpent.
In Greek the next part of verse 4 reads, “ti emoi kai soi” which means two people looking at something from a different perspective. Instead of reading “how does your concern affect me?” or “why are you telling me this?” as they wrote in the episode, as if Jesus is dismissing His mother’s concern, understand this line more as if Jesus is asking His mother, “do you know what doing this thing will mean?”. To perform a public miracle would mean that Jesus’s ministry would officially begin, the ball would begin to roll in other words, and Mary and Jesus both know what is to come in the next few years.
When Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple for presentation when He was about 40 days old, the prophet Simeon told Mary that her son would be the cause for the rise and fall of many in Israel and that her heart too would be pierced. She knows there is suffering ahead for both her and Jesus.
At this moment between verses 4 and 5 of John’s second chapter, Mary has a choice to make. If she encourages Jesus to perform this miracle, His ministry begins, and she will be letting go of her son to suffer for the salvation of the world. She could say, “you know what, never mind, water will be just fine” and keep her son safe from harm a bit longer, after all, He did say, “my hour has not yet come”. Mary gives us her second fiat, her second yes. The show adds some dialogue that isn’t in the bible but in that moment of the flashback shot where Mary says “please” we understand her yes without any hesitation. After Jesus nods in understanding, Mary turns to the servants and tells them, “Do whatever He tells you.” essentially launching her son into His ministry, toward the cross.
Mitchell’s Insight
Nicodemus’s interrogation of John the Baptist is a scene that I have watched over and over again. The back and forth is a wonderful example of the difference between thinking about heavenly things and earthly things. John hears of these events and sees the fulfillment of the prophets. God’s promise of a Messiah is real, and it is here. Scripture has directed his actions all his life as he has “made straight the way for a king.” John is turning to God’s Word to interpret marvelous events. Thinking in this way fills John will joy and anticipation for the ministry of Jesus.
Nicodemus fails to comprehend John’s responses. When John responds to the question of what is the miracle man’s name by quoting prophecy, Nicodemus does not realize that John is attempting to give him an answer but thinks John is asking him an unrelated question. Eventually, it dawns on Nicodemus that John is speaking of the Messiah as a literal Son of God. Does Nicodemus join John in his elation? No, he questions such a literal interpretation of prophecy. He warns of capital punishment for blasphemy. He fears Rome’s response to the implied events to come. He tells John that the Savior of the World will be put in danger by careless preaching.
Think in heavenly ways, so that when we hear the good news we can be filled with faith, hope, and love instead of running away in fear because our lives may change.
Take to Prayer
Is there a particular calling in your life that is important to you, but you never get around to undertaking it because of uncertainty or fear? Meditate on what is keeping you from pursuing this calling, and if you are ready, what actions do you need to take to get started on your journey?
Bible Verses to Read
John 2:3-5 - Conversation between Mary and Jesus at the wedding feast
Luke 2:22-38 - Presentation of Jesus in the temple
Luke 2:41-52 - Finding the Boy Jesus in the Temple
Isaiah 40 and Proverbs 30:4 - Scripture that John is quoting to Nicodemus